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It's still raining outside.

As I am writing these words, it is raining.

People may have thought of these words already. Some may have already written these down and published it. Or, some may have also, like me, thought/written some articles, poems, scripts, or entries that were inspired merely because of rain. As if every thing in this world has it's own mind and life, and follows a certain path or trend that even us, humans, are unconscious of it.

I may ask, I've seen/read films,books, songs, entries that are inspired to antecedent subjects or topics; what clarifies the disparity then? What is novelty? If we trace back history, several unnoticed works, undelivered speeches, and whatnot might be similar to the present day works, which we think as completely original and splendid. Innocence because of ignorance of the works of the others may be considered as reason, but how can we dare say that the thing/work is original, if we neglect history?

I'm questioning out of curiosity.
And the rain suddenly stops, well, not my curiosity.

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